Are you ready to transform or reclaim your life and achieve your dreams? My personalized coaching programs are designed to help you gain clarity, set powerful goals, and take action towards a more fulfilling future. Whether you’re seeking personal growth, career switch ups or a complete life overhaul, I’m here to guide you every step of the way.
Welcome to my Profile, Allow me to introduce myself!
I believe in spreading the knowledge of everything that leads us to live higher-quality lives, through nature connections, holistic remedies, challenging/shifting limiting beliefs & fears, as well as taking a curious and adventurous approach towards life.
But I haven’t always thought that way. In fact, I’ve had many hard days and struggles I’ve had to overcome, like these:
Needless to say, I’ve had my fair share of challenges. I began challenging my fears, becoming aware of limiting thoughts, began understanding the true level of resiliency I’ve been able to build from all of this, and began innately trusting in myself and what we are capable of.
Plus, they become a part of our story and become ways that we can help others too!
I have now:
Essentially; From Complex PTSD to Independent World Traveler & Courageous Guide
Let’s venture through this world together; confidently, courageously, and consciously. I’m here to help liberate and inspire you to know that there is a whole world out there full of beautiful people, places that fill you with happy tears, and opportunities everywhere. Let’s open up to the world around us and come from our hearts instead of our pain and fears. ♡
I look forward to helping you live the life of your dreams!
You were uniquely created to do amazing things–let me show you how personalized coaching can help you break through barriers and unleash your true potential and live the life of your dreams!
As your personal coach, I’ll be your cheerleader, motivator, and steadfast supporter, always striving for your success and vision. I can help you identify obstacles and limitations that might be clouding your judgment and provide a clearer vision and direction. No matter where you live or travel, I’m here to support you every step of the way.
Together, we’ll rewrite negative thought patterns and behaviors, set detailed quarterly goals, and create step-by-step plans to achieve them. I’ll be with you through every twist and turn, adapting our approach as needed. I believe in building deep connections with my clients, celebrating your milestones, and adding personal touches like happy birthday messages and reminders.
I’m ready to be your coach. Are you ready to transform your life and achieve your dreams?
Paid as a one time payment
Signed as a 3-month package.
Payment plans are available.
Signed as a 6-month package.
Payment plans are available.
Yay! If you’ve gotten this far, please truly be proud of yourself. Stepping into something new is never easy, and often times we have to overcome that “fear” part of the mind that is keeping us “safe”/limited.
But I want to reassure you that after you book that first call, most of that goes away and you step into a deeper empowerment, serotonin, and excitement for you, your future, and everything that you’ve been waiting for!
Ensure that you have the financial, time, and mental foundation to begin stepping into coaching.
Book a free 20-minute discovery call and fill out the questionnaire that’s paired with it. Please bring any questions you may have to the call too!
We’ll have our call, see if we are a good fit for each other, and then book you in the calendar for when there’s an opening in the calendar for the next quarter. If there’s no opening, you’ll be placed on the waitlist, and then I’ll reach out to you as soon as there’s an opening.
Once there’s an opening or we’ve agreed on your start date, I’ll send you over the contract and payment method, then you’ll pay & secure.
Once paid – we begin on the agreed upon start date, and schedule out our the calls based on our package chosen.
Each session we’ll have goals to review, updates to share, and more! (Check out the section on “Why have me as your coach” for more details.)
I look forward to connecting with you more soon and manifesting the vision and best self of your dreams!
Every quarter, I review the coaching client contracts I have to see if I have any availability and will announce to those that have already completed the steps above.
Currently, I’m…
Please note, I have a limited number of clients that I accept due each quarter as well as other responsibilities (like hosting events, creating content, speaking on stage). So, I prefer to show as a quality coach by ensuring I have more valuable energy to pour and give to you.
But don’t let that discourage you – Instead, let it show you that I’m someone who genuinely takes coaching seriously and know the trust and energy you’re placing in our calls should be respected and valued too. So, I ensure to show up as my best too!
Over the years of completing 200+ coaching sessions, these are a few ways that I’ve noticed that I differ from other coaches…
Although these are just a few that I’m aware of, I’m sure there are many more! Overall, I’m unique in my experiences, knowledge, personality, awareness, and in my offerings.
It’s time for you to experience something different!
First, I’d actually started my coaching journey off a bit differently than most people.
In my young adult life, I’d offered a multitude of services to people, and noticing that I unintentionally would leave them feeling 100% better, having a smile on their face, and bamboozled. Not just by the service but also by how I’d managed to completely transform their mood, how they felt, a mindset that they’d had or even being someone who could get conversationally/emotionally/mentally deeper than they were used to.
Later down the road I became more embracing of my talent and gift, I began working for a company as a guide/coach. In a short 6 months, I reached “The Top 10 Most Booked” in the company. Then achieving hundreds of completed sessions, presenting for one of their partnered company’s keynote speech and presenting for panels. Not to mention, booked out calendars and regulars whom I would see on a weekly basis.
As well as being a trailblazer, I’d tried, done, and been places that the average person hasn’t. Which has given me first-hand experience, perspective, and insight into more. I’ve been a successful entrepreneur for 5+ years, run a travel & lifestyle blog – Manifesting Serenity, published a book “It’s Time To Manifest Your Vision”, solo traveled for years, lived as a nomad, moved to new states, backpacked mountains, and gaining traction in public speaking.
Stepping into my achievements and some mastery, I knew it was time to offer my own packages, find those who could benefit from what I offer; beyond corporate company pricing and other “traditional” structures.
Overall, I contribute my success to my belief in myself, the support of my community, my love for people, my appetite for growth & personal development, as well as the coaches/guides/therapists that have helped me get to where I am now.
After all, something my therapist once told me, “Even therapists need therapists.”
If you’re here, there’s a reason, if you’ve made it this far on the page, read most of the paragraphs at least, what are you waiting for? A sign? This is your sign….
From a young age, I’d planned out what my life would look like as an adult, realizing that I was coming from a place of needing hope and to control an outcome. But as I began to get to truly know the depths of inner desires, trial and error, and what genuinely makes my soul happy. Nevertheless, change can be exactly what’s needed to step into better aspects of our lives, happiness, or even embrace new opportunities. In turn, we begin to rewire our minds to invite change!
When we get into old habits or old routines, our brains often convince ourselves that “we are safe here.” It takes a little time to gently shift over to new patterns, and with an accountability partner, this can be that extra motivation and mental reassurance we need to stick to it.
As someone who was on an unfulfilling career path for over 8 years in the service and sales industry, I had finally decided to break free from that – now leading a path of inspiration, adventure, and fulfilling service. Let’s live our life to the fullest, not only for ourselves, but also for others too!
I’ve personally come to understand loneliness very well, over the course of my life I’ve lived alone, backpacked solo, moved to another state alone, and now solo travel to other countries around the world. It can be difficult to tell the difference between loneliness and being alone, but once deciphered it can bring so much clarity and relief. Together, I can help show you the power within the silences and better listening to our inner guidance that comes with being alone.
Personally, I’ve overcome the fears from traumas, divorce, traveling alone, living alone, and am constantly pushing past it’s borders. Typically, fear is the brain’s response for keeping us “safe”, but sometimes it’s version of safety can be limiting for ourselves financially, mentally, physically and cause our health to plummet just to avoid fear. Learning to question our fear can unlock opportunities.
Funny enough, the word resilience is actually one of my favorite words! Throughout life and pushing past fears I’ve faced many challenges (My own, other people’s, and even circumstantial), coming to see how to overcome those challenges instead of reacting can allow us to build that resiliency – which I personally consider to be a buildable skill for all!
As someone who’s a nature and travel enthusiast, naturally having a sustainable and earth preservation mindset closely follows. I personally consider myself to be imperfectly sustainable and strive to do better each day. I’d be happy to help you too! I’m one of the few in the community that’s able to offer deep insight and care on this subject, as well as someone who even writes about it too.
Completely transforming from a customer service 9–5 to being completely remote and traveling the world wasn’t easy, but through trial and error, I began noting down the exact strategy and steps to take. Let’s just say I’m now writing a book on it and consider myself to be quite well-versed in it after years of being remote. I’d be happy to share those strategies, tips, where to find opportunities, and even how to shift and adjust to the lifestyle.
As the trailblazer in my family, I set a new path and always have when it comes to “careers” or even “work”. I’ve always chosen the undefined one or the path that seems unfamiliar to my family or event the marketing pressures of colleges. A non-traditional career can really break the traditional societal pressures and better support the path that we actually desire vs. what others desire. I help you to figure out or strengthen yours!
Although I’m entrepreneurial, I’m not a typical one. Let’s just say I’m multifaceted, believe in diversifying skills, opt for a passive income, as well as automated strategies. Personally, I choose to work smarter, not harder. Whether that be running my travel blog, writing my book, offering services for other companies/brands, and more. What do you seek with being an entrepreneur?
As an entrepreneur, I’ve dedicated myself to trying and finding just about anything and everything to make or get more to fuel my business. Which has led me to get great at side hustles within the personal side and business side of finances. All of them ranging in times, online, in person, etc. I bet I can help you find a couple to compliment your goals.
As someone who professionally forecasts, maps things out, and plans in advance; this is something that comes naturally for me. Not only for my own life, but also helping others. (When they want me to, of course.) I’ve come to notice that without a personal development plan or idea of the direction we’re headed and what we need to get there, then you’re going to continue to hit the wrong targets. So, let’s get on track!
As a child, I’d grown up to be very atheist and angered by the idea of there being something that could actually evoke so much pain in a person’s life. After totaling my car from a sports car cutting off a semi truck and ending up with lacerations across my face and chest, my life was changed. That night, I couldn’t stop having panic attacks and eventually took a last breath that night for a brief moment. I’d died and come back to life, seeing and experiencing things that could never be undone. This is a safe space to share your experience or to even get you closer to spirituality.
I’ve witnessed a multitude of transformations happen after inserting gratitude not only for myself but also for the people that I’ve helped. A new-found happiness, peace, slower paced life, and even a deeper appreciation begins to override the negativity or stress. It’s an under utilized tool, most don’t practice until they have someone that has a deeper understanding of it and can curate it. I have the ability to do make it what you need it to be.
I’m a proud woman, running a business and have multiple contractors working for me, all under an aspiring mission. A leader is not someone who simply tells someone what to do, but instead gathers those around to join in on a mission of betterment for all. But confidence, deep reflection, facing shadows, and courage is required to get there. If you’re ready for that, then I can help be a guide alongside you!
As someone who has been through a divorce and breakups, I know how devastating they can be. However, if we are guided and directed, they can become some of the best reflections and spark something amazing in us. I can show you!
Over the years, I’ve found myself living van life, moving to multiple states, and living in other countries for short periods of time. As well as even trying an expat, snow bird, and a nomadic lifestyle. I’ve been someone to seek freedom based lifestyles! But they each come with their own sets of challenges, once we are guided to see them in a new light, from someone who’s overcome them, we can begin to really see that place of peace and freedom at it’s depths.
As a young adult, I developed IBS, multiple eating disorders, extreme brain fog, and multiple deficiencies. Later, having it brought to my attention that I had allergies, I wasn’t eating right, and had a poor relationship with food. I’ve gone through many trial and error ways of eating, gotten plenty of blood tests done, struggled to find the right foods when traveling, embraced a compassionate a gluten-free vegan diet, and even allergy panel screenings to work around allergies. It’s incredibly important to have our fuel be aiding us rather than ailing us, and I’ve confidently found the fuel that works best for me – now it’s your turn!
Private coaching with Serenity starts at a minimum of about 3 months, with the possibility of an extension.
Since we do offer quality vs. quantity, we only take on a certain amount of clients at a time.
So, if you’re serious about your future and ready to commit, then let’s talk about YOU, Your path, and where YOU’RE going!
First, fill out an application form, then on our discovery call, we’ll discuss payment plan options.
A coach believes in your unlimited potential to achieve your goals and live your best life. They can help you in several ways:
Self-awareness: Recognize and operate from your strengths.
Impact: Make a difference professionally and personally.
Transitions: Navigate new challenges and succeed in unfamiliar situations.
Clarity and alignment: Discover your purpose and find fulfillment.
Growth mindset: Embrace challenges, adapt, and thrive.
Leadership synergy: Create a united and impactful team.
If you’ve got a coach, like me, then you can unlock your true potential and lead a fulfilling life.
“ICF defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. The process of coaching often unlocks previously untapped sources of imagination, productivity and leadership.
We all have goals we want to reach, challenges we’re striving to overcome and times when we feel stuck. Partnering with a coach can change your life, setting you on a path to greater personal and professional fulfillment. Coaching is a unique form of help for the healthy.” -TCQ
The primary focus of therapy lies in the healing of past experiences and addressing one’s emotional state. On the other hand, coaching revolves around empowering clients to create meaningful outcomes in the present, encouraging proactive steps towards their desired goals, aspirations, or need for fulfillment. It’s important to note that coaching is distinct from therapy and does not serve as a replacement.
Coaching is a delightful twist: coaches don’t give advice! They believe in your amazing ability to find your own answers. They’re like curious beginners, listening and cheering you on with a playful spirit.
And here’s the fun part: coaches won’t rescue you. They’re more like trusty guides, offering support without becoming a crutch. No capes needed!
Guess what? Coaches don’t get tangled in your problems. They focus on your growth and development, leaving those problems behind.
But wait, there’s more! Coaches don’t set the agenda. It’s all about your dreams and desires, like a vibrant canvas waiting for your touch.
No judgment allowed in coaching! Your coach creates a safe space for you to explore, accepting you with open arms.
And here’s the best part: the magic is in your hands. Coaches won’t impose solutions or rush you. It’s about empowering you to find your own rhythm, at your own pace.