Are you that person who likes to take a holiday vacation? Or maybe you’re a snowbird that chases the sun? Or what if you’re a van lifer or Rv-er on the road? Possibly your mail gets misplaced or stolen? Maybe you’re a nomad or expat?
Wherever you may be, these options take the stress out of receiving mail! Read on to see what I mean..
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#1. Friends & Family
After living in the van for a little while, I was having family receive it and then sending it off to friends, and it became a bit of a headache for them and less timely for me.
Understandably, friends and family are happy to help, but I began to realize that it wasn’t their responsibility and I didn’t want to fall behind on bills.
Overall, it’s a good temporary option, but it’s not the best choice.
#2. Amazon Hub Locker & In Store Pickup
Fortunately, if you order off of Amazon, they have the option of sending the package to the closest Amazon Hub Locker nearest you. To get started, you’ll want to search for the Amazon Hub Locker you’d like to get your package delivered to, there is no additional fee, and you’ll get a text alert when the package is available.
Similarly, other larger chains like Walmart and Target also do stare pick ups, which requires no address as well. Simply search for the location closest to you, they’ll send you a confirmation email, and then show them your code, and you’re good to go!
#3. USPS General Delivery
As far as USPS general delivery goes, this option is extremely dependent on where exactly you’re traveling to.
Most importantly, not all locations partake in the service “General Delivery”.
To find a post office that will receive General Delivery, search locations on the Post Office Locator, and then look under “Services at this Location” for “General Delivery.”
However, always make sure to double-check by calling and seeing if they accept mail, as things can change over time and the website may be fully up-to-date.
Also, a picture ID, like a license or a passport, is required to pick up General Delivery mail from a post office.
Typically, if they do accept mail, they’ll keep it for anywhere from 10-30 days.
Just make sure to double-check!
How to address General Deliveries:
Your Name
City State Zip of Post Office
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#4. Traveling Mailbox
Best option of all is the Traveling Mailbox option. Holy wow! It’s virtually effortless and simplifies life extremely. Moreover, think of it like a virtual P.O. Box!
However, with the Traveling Mailbox, the mail gets sent to their main headquarters, which are scattered across different states. I personally keep mine in my home state to avoid any extra confusion.
Besides just accepting mail, but they also accept packages, faxes, and even can send checks to your bank. As far as packages go, they simply redirect the package wherever you’d like it to go.
Of course, there’s nothing sweeter than sitting beachside and receiving your mail straight to your phone, they even have an app too!
Seriously, I wish I would have signed up with them sooner!!
Click here to sign up now!
♻ Sustainability Highlight: Get this, the company sends the mail to a company to shred up the unwanted mail, so It’s safeguarded and properly handled.
Not only that, but the company that shreds the paper mail recycles the paper shredding into new paper products! Whoop!
Best of all, it’s assured to be recycled compared to traditional recycling facilities having a large mixture of other recycling products.
Plus, if the paper in a traditional roadside bin gets too dirty or is too small, it isn’t able to recycle.
So, that’s one of the big reasons this company gets me so excited! ECO-WIN!
So, with mail having a cutoff deadline of December 15th, don’t forget to send out your holiday mail and sign up to have your mail taken care of without stress. Definitely, don’t miss another Christmas card or have your mail misplaced!
Don’t forget to share this article with all your nomad, traveler, vanlife, rver friends! Seriously, they could use this!
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