The Ultimate Guide on How To Recover from Burnout: Tips and Strategies to Recharge and Reclaim Your Life (Travel Edition)

In this ultimate guide, I’ll equip you with the tools you need on how to recover from burnout and reclaim your life! First, we’ll discuss what burnout is, how it’s caused, some symptoms, and the many ways that you know exactly how to recover from burnout! Whether it be travel, stress, work, or just flat out life related.
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Well, burnout is typically caused by repeated stress/ chronic stress/ prolonged stress/excessive stress. These stresses can be caused by occupations, having a lack of community, feeling as though life is out of control, toxic environments, work-related stress, financial hardships, challenges with leadership/management/family, non-stop travel, etc. Recovering from burnout requires understanding its roots.
Overall, burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. It is a common problem that affects people of all ages, genders, and professions. But burnout can lead to a range of symptoms, including anxiety, depression, insomnia, and physical illness. The good news is that burnout is treatable and preventable, fret not, my burnout-battling friend, there are many ways to learn how to recover from burnout madness!
The first steps to learn on how to recover from burnout, is that it’s important to take care of yourself and prioritize your needs. Begin by with practicing self-care, making time for activities that bring you joy, and seeking support from loved ones or professionals. I’ll share a range of strategies and activities that can help you recover from burnout and lead a more fulfilling life.
After traveling non-stop and doing van life, then taking my very first ever international trip, running a business full time, and working part-time, I had crashed HARD! But it wasn’t even until I had slowed down that I began to realize how fast I was actually going. It’s almost like it all caught up to me at once.
Once I actually slowed down and took a moment to truly sit down and rest with my family for the holidays, it was almost like everything hit me like a freight train.
Before I knew it, I was canceling travel plans, unable to even look at a computer screen without getting pounding headaches, and even crying non-stop from feelings of failure and limitations. I was so far gone, never experienced this before, and had no idea what I was dealing with at the time.
But I now know, that once you’ve experienced it and healed it, it’s easier to recognize the signs and symptoms to be able to prevent it.
In this article, you’ll come to truly learn how to recover from burnout, from many resources, months of recovering through trial & error, talking to professionals, and more.
The symptoms of burnout can vary from person to person, but some common signs include chronic fatigue, insomnia, irritability, anxiety, and depression. Some people may also experience physical symptoms such as headaches, sleep disturbances, appetite changes, mood swings and heightened irritability, gastrointestinal problems, and increased susceptibility to illness. Both physical and emotional symptoms play a part in this overall mashup. I speak from experience!
If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s important to take action to recover from burnout and be proactive about it.
Not to worry, we’ll tap into our recovery toolbox and find the perfect remedies to restore balance to our bodies and minds, leaving you with the curated method on how to recover from burnout.
When we’re in the ‘grind’ constantly, sometimes we cycle through it so fast that we lose track of how to truly “check out”, so we keep going because that’s what we get used to.
It’s not until we take a true vacation or break from work, that it allows us to fully step away. Especially stepping out of our raditional environment or work routine, once we step out of our patterns we can also begin to release the stress or even overwhelm.
Did you know that Bill Gates would take “Think Weeks”, purely isolate himself and innovate or birth new ideas. In fact, he did this and ended up birthing Internet Explorer shortly after.
So, maybe by shifting your idea of time off, it may allow for you to be able to see it with a more positive or intention-filled time!
Luckily, I’ve supplied plenty of travel trip ideas for you to be able to get away. Read some travel articles here!
For me, taking a break from work meant that I had to take a break from the constant travel style that I was doing, in jumping from place to place. Especially because I travel for work. Everyone’s variation of travel and work seems to look a bit different. Not to mention that for me, work and travel are combined!
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Although this one can seem like a no-brainer, there’s an even deeper insight here that I’ll share. Did you know that when we’ve been to the same places over and over again, our brain will naturally go on autopilot, and we can still drift off into the repeating thoughts. Yes, even if it’s away from your work desk or home.
However, when you’re going somewhere new, discovering something new, or even in complete wander; your brain is fully activated and forced to become present.
But, discovering a new place could be exactly what our brain needs to be able to break free of a repeating cycle of thoughts or even stress.
Also, I’d recommend that if you’re someone who travels for work, then going on a small trip for just YOU, is probably something that you could use. Plus, it doesn’t have to be an active trip, it could be a retreat or even going somewhere restorative.
It’s often said that it’s easier to change someone’s systematic beliefs than it is to change their diet, but with that mindfulness and knowing that, this may just be an opportunity for a mindset shift.
Above all, self-care and wellness practices are essential for recovering from burnout. One important aspect of self-care is to focus on quality meals. Eating nutritious foods can help improve your energy levels, boost your immune system, and promote overall health and well-being. Incorporating regular exercise into your routine is also important
Starting with reducing sugar, gluten, and processed foods because these cause inflammation and drastically affect the brain. Then replacing them with healthier options gradually.
There’s this great analogy that I often reference, “Think of your body as a car and the food as gas, now if a car is high quality, then putting lower quality gas will overall ruin the car.” This is true for food and our bodies too! (Yes, you’re absolutely high quality!)

When we regularly introduce exercise into our life, it allows us to get out of our head and back into our bodies. Plus, when we’re sweating, we release so many things that we had been holding onto, beyond just the physical sweat.
Not to mention, that exercising releases pumps the endorphins, known as the “feel good” neurotransmitters. So you’re going to get a rush of release and feel great! But with maybe a bit of good muscle soreness, showing us that we worked them well!
Try just aiming for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each day, such as brisk walking, cycling, or swimming. As well as incorporating strength training or yoga into your routine.
Each and every person’s exercise routine doesn’t have to look the same as long as you’re moving your body, and having fun, it counts as exercise!! Whoop!

Most of us don’t even know it, but we’re severely deficient in at least one or many more vitamins, which drastically affects our happiness, ability to manage stress, or even our ability to succeed. Keeping in mind, that as food systems have changed over the years, so has our need to supplement specific vitamins. So, it’s not quite as simple as going outside and getting from just the sun and a few veggies anymore.
I’ve had an interesting conversation with many people, and we’d need an extensive variety of fruits, veggies, sunlight, sea minerals, and dirt. Truthfully, accurately getting those all extensively in a day is a true mission on it’s own. Personally, I prefer to supplement to ease this process.
But first, in order to know exactly what you’re needing to supplement, we need to see what you’re missing!
Here are a few options for vitamin testing kits to try:
#1. If you have medical, bringing your desire to test your vitamin levels to your doctor, is one of the best and most accessible options. Especially, because there are no limitations on what you can get tested.
#2. A great option if you’re wanting to go in without a doctor’s referral is to go into a lab and get your blood testing done on your own.
One amazing website offers the ability to search labs by options and locations, check this site out here!
#3. Another Option is to order a test kit online, this test covers the essentials and is a start to getting the foundational levels where they need to be.
As for yoga, it is a gentle form of exercise that combines physical postures with mindfulness and breath awareness. It can help reduce stress and promote relaxation, making it a great tool for those recovering from burnout. Practicing yoga regularly has been shown to improve mood, reduce anxiety, and increase overall well-being. Some yoga poses, such as forward folds and inversions, can also help calm the nervous system and promote relaxation.
If you’ve not heard of yoga or tried it, you’ve still got an opportunity to!
Of course, there are many ways to experience yoga; in fact, here are just a couple:
- Yin Yoga
- Slow Flow Yoga
- Resorative Yoga
Each of these practices moves at a slower pace than the other yoga practices, truly allowing the body to do more resting than fast-paced movements. Which is essential during this process! If you feel like yoga is something you’d benefit from, it’s also a good idea to look into things like chakra alignment too, as it could help you on your spiritual journey.

When it comes to meditation, it’s a practice that involves focusing your attention and becoming aware of your thoughts and feelings without judgment. It can help reduce stress and anxiety, improve focus and attention, and promote overall well-being. Meditation has been shown to increase brain activity in areas associated with positive emotions and reduce activity in areas associated with negative emotions. It can be practiced alone or with guidance from a meditation app or teacher.

Taking a hot bath can be a relaxing and rejuvenating experience. It can help reduce stress, ease muscle tension, and promote relaxation. Adding Epsom salts or essential oils to your bath can also provide additional benefits. Epsom salts contain magnesium, which can help ease muscle pain and promote relaxation, while essential oils such as lavender or chamomile can help promote relaxation and reduce stress.
Firstly, a face mask is a great classic to any good pamper bundle. Just imagine either yourself lounging and wearing one of these lovely Clay Face Masks.
Not to mention, the ingredients in this face mask are absolutely magnificent. The ingredients are all-natural spirulina, spinach powder, and matcha.
Overall, these finely ground elements of earth are used to brighten, restore, and balance the skin, while also drawing out impurities and gently exfoliating.
Whenever I imagine a pamper session, I totally imagine a face mask, hair pinned with a hair treatment, and luxuriously slipping away into a steamy bath with bath salts. Ahh, can’t you just see it?!
In addition to that great visual, the bath salts also contain peppermint and marigold to truly relieve pain, reduce stress, soothe muscles, and soften the skin.
Of course, these bath salts come in a beautiful glass bottle, which can be fully recycled, and a cork that can be composted.
Overall, making this an aesthetically gorgeous glass bottle of Ivory Bath Soaking Salt, perfect to relieve stresses.
Meliora Organic Bath & Body Castile Soap Bar
Overall, this Meliora Organic Bath & Body Castile Soap Bar is great for both the face and the body and is perfect for highly sensitive skin or people who are sensitive to smells.
Especially because, the Meliora Organic Bath & Body Castile Soap Bar contains no sulfates, parabens, chemicals, preservatives, dyes, palm oil, or additives!
After all the lovely pampering and self-love, finish off with this Peacefull Organic Body Butter.
Basically, this body butter hydrates the skin, leaving it dewy, and radiant, without compromising quality.
For instance, this company sources only Certified Organic Ingredients, Fair Trade, and Direct Trade when possible. Woo-hoo!
Not to mention, the products are totally plant based and made in small batches, keeping it fresh.
So, finishing off with this luxurious Peacefull Organic Body Butter will be the ‘cherry on top’ of the pamper bundle, leaving a slight calming scent of lavender, to drift off to. (Complimenting the peppermint smell of the bath salts)
Truth be told, when we are always working or stress out, we’re also withdrawn from having fun and our inner child. Most people might realize this, but not fully, is that when we laugh, it cuts our stress level down almost entirely because our brain is using an entirely different emotion.
Plus, burnout often leaves individuals feeling drained, unmotivated, and uninterested in things they used to enjoy. That’s why it’s essential to find activities that can reignite passion and excitement.
It can also mean taking up a new hobby, such as painting or gardening, dancing, coloring, playing in the rain, or simply spending time with loved ones doing something fun, like playing board games or going to a comedy show.
The key is to find activities that bring joy, relaxation, and a sense of fulfillment. So, we can recharge our batteries, increase motivation and productivity, and ultimately recover from burnout.
Retreat centers are purely designed for healing, recovering and being a place of pure overall wellness. They’re designed to allow someone to disconnect from stressors and be in a place of solace and dare I say it…serenity.
These retreat spaces are made for a slower pace of life, a pure focus on connecting with self, and even sparking introspection or a deeper mind/body connection. (Depending upon which one you choose)
Oftentimes, when we’re moving so fast, filled with stress/anxiety, or are constantly traveling, we may begin ignoring our true desires or path. Only when we slow down are we met with our needs, utmost desires, and true intuition.
What better way to slow down, than in a place of pure safety, care, and of pure wellness focus.
I’d have to say that this is one of my utmost favorite ways that I’ve learned how to recover from burnout, as well as how to prevent it!
OR Book directly on their site and save an additional 5% on your retreat with the code Serenity5!
If you’re unsure of which retreat would be best for you, they have a FREE discovery call available too! (Be sure to mention the code Serenity5, for your 5% off)

There are many other strategies and activities you can use to recover from burnout, including spending time in nature, practicing mindfulness, journaling, and getting enough restful sleep. It’s important to find what works best for you and make self-care and wellness practices a priority in your life.
Recovering from burnout is a process that takes time, patience, and dedication. It’s important to remember that everyone’s journey is different, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. However, by practicing self-care, engaging in wellness activities, and seeking support when needed, you can overcome burnout and reclaim your life.
We hope this ultimate guide has provided you with the tools and resources you need to recover from burnout. Remember to be kind to yourself, prioritize your needs, and take things one day at a time. You deserve to live a happy, healthy, and fulfilling life.
Above all, when we hit burnout, it can really cause some of us to lose hope and even feel that we’ve taken so many unrecoverable steps back. So, falling in love with life again recovery, and prevention are the new priorities!!
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It is the little changes that will make the largest changes.
Thanks a lot for sharing!