Yesterday marked World Clean Up day for us, and sparked the idea to get out a few simple tips on ways on how to help the environment today! I mean TODAY, a roll-out of bed, quick inspirational type of guide.
Oftentimes, the idea of helping the environment can be so overwhelming that we just don’t know where to start. Yes, I’ve been there too! I’ve also had many friends who have been there, but it’s just about slowly progressing into more steps.
PS: This picture was from saving a lady bug from drowning in a pool. It’s the little things we do that make a difference!
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Sometimes we need that reminder or that inspiration to help us get back on track and inspire us to remember our mission. Heck, I even need it sometimes.
You’re exactly on track to doing that just by reading this article, thanks for being a fellow eco-warrior, spread the word because there needs to be more of us out there!
Some other sources of inspiration can come from listening to podcasts, watching documentaries (Like A Plastic Ocean), reading the newsletters about the environment, reading blogs (just like this one!), and creating a community of other eco-warriors.
Okay, but what are some good guidelines for keeping my mind on track? Here is a quick snapshot of the 8Rs.
Rethink — Know when to find better options
Refuse — Say no, thank you more
Reduce — Lessen waste
Reuse — Use over and over again
Repair — Fix or Mend something to prolong its life
Rot — Choose products that turn back into earth
Repurpose — Find a new use for an item
Recycle — Turn something old into something new
If you’re looking for more information on these 8Rs, check out this article here, SUSTAINABILITY EXAMPLES: THE 8RS.
I know it can sound a little daunting, but it could even push us to get outside and even get more exercise as well. It’s a great way to feed two birds with one scone, as PETA would say.
To get started, maybe give yourself something to measure, which could be; a time limit, an amount of miles, or two grocery bags full. That way it seems more achievable, it’s said that if we know our goal and the steps to get there, that it’s more achievable.
However, maybe you love it so much you want to do more? Every single year, there is a World Clean Up Day on September 15, so we could gather a group of friends and family and do it together!
#worldcleanupday #earthday
Who would be interested in organized clean-up days? Would you attend?

Let’s take a step back and realize how grateful we should be for the comforts we have each and every day, one of them being our access to fresh and clean water.
While nearly 70 percent of the world’s covered by water, only 2.5 percent of it is fresh. The rest is saline and ocean-based. Even then, just 1 percent of our freshwater is easily accessible, with much of it trapped in glaciers and snowfields. —National Geographic
This statement above shows how privileged we truly are to have the access to our water, which means respecting it too. Whelp, believe me, I LOVE WATER, but wasting it and leaving the water running while it’s not being used in the shower or while brushing your teeth is definitely a couple good places to start.
For more ideas, check out this article on 8 WAYS THE WATER USAGE PER PERSON CAN BE REDUCED.

Firstly, organic waste in landfills generates, methane, a potent greenhouse gas that wreaks havoc on the ozone layer. It’s said that only 4.1 percent of wasted food) was composted in 2018 by the EPA, which is so sad.
According to the Composting Council, if everyone in the United States composted all of their food waste, the impact would be equivalent to removing 7.8 million cars from the road. WOW!
In spite of it seeming difficult, it’s just a matter of getting started, and once you start it’s almost impossible to ever look back.
In this case, I even wrote an article on an amazing app that allows us to compost from anywhere in the world, whether it be from a van, an apartment, a house, or wherever you may be!
Not only that, I also share the easy steps to answering those questions on how to help the environment.

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When it comes to sustainability, a lot of people wonder why certain products or companies are more mainstream, this is because people are using their dollars to support the wrong future they want.
Furthermore, a great question to ask is: Are these businesses taking into consideration how to help the environment?
The best way to describe what we choose to support is to look at where our time and money go. When we look at big and wasteful corporations, how are they growing and becoming more wasteful? Whelp, people are buying from them, they are profiting off of it, and getting bigger.
Another article on how to start small and change where we choose to shop for groceries, start in one area, and grow from there. For most people, groceries are the most frequently shopped for the area of their budget, so this is a great area to address first.
Check out this article on 7 SUSTAINABLE GROCERY SHOPPING OPTIONS, to help get you started.
Also, I regularly update the blog shop to reflect some of my favorite places I shop at, keeping in mind to support the sustainability values and overall ethics.
Another great way to see who you support is to look at the people who put energy into creating the content, that you’re enjoying. I highly recommend supporting those people as well, they often get overlooked.

We are all in this together, don’t forget to share this article with those who need an extra step in the right direction.
Let’s do it together! I’ve personally been on this journey for years, but I’m still at the beginning steps of writing about it, so don’t ever be afraid to give article requests or ask me your questions.
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